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What is the difference between abrogating verbs and abrogating letters and their explanation?


What is the difference between abrogating verbs and abrogating letters and their explanation, and does each verb or letter have a special meaning, as these questions and the like are considered abstract grammatical information; Therefore, scholars of grammar and the Arabic language in general have dealt with it with explanation, representation and detail, so that poets have composed poems to explain it.

Based on this inherited Arabic format, we present to you on this topic through the EGYPress website the answer to the question What is the difference between abrogating verbs and abrogating letters and explaining them, and we will explain some important details in this regard.

What is the difference between abrogating verbs and abrogating letters and their explanation?
Before we get an adequate answer to the question of what is the difference between abrogating verbs and abrogated letters and explaining them, the logic necessitates that we search with the meaning of the meaning:

The ritual: It is what does not carry a meaning on its own, but its meaning appears when its link takes place with a verb or a name, as it is, as it is, as it is, as it is, as it is, as it is. The letters are used to connect nouns, nouns, verbs, verbs, and accusatives.

Abrogation: Abrogation in the Arabic language is change, alteration and humiliation, and from it is the saying of God Almighty: “Whatever we abrogate or forget, we bring something better or similar to it.
Ibn Abbas said about the meaning of abrogating in the previous verse: “We do not replace a verse.”

As for grammar, the nasikh are the letters or verbs that enter the nominal sentence consisting of a subject and a predicate, changing its arabic rule, and among the nasikhs in the Arabic language: (in and her brothers, was and her brothers / the missing verbs, and likened letters, aphrases, and aphthae).

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Types of transcribers
There are also several types of transcribers in the Arabic language, according to their work, which are:

Naskhs enter the nominative sentence, raising the noun, setting the predicate and ascribing to it (her name and predicate), and does not need a subject or object in the sentence with full meaning, such as: (was and her brothers, cad and her brothers).
Transcribers enter into the nominative sentence, affixing the noun, raising the predicate, and attributing to her (her name and her predicate), such as: (In and her brothers).
Transcribers enter the nominal sentence, setting the subject and also the predicate, but the subject is not dispensed with in the sentence to complete the meaning, such as (thought and her brothers)
By this, we have known the meanings of the terms that we will address in the answer to the question What is the difference between abrogating verbs and abrogating letters and their explanation, and thus we arrive at the most important difference between abrogating letters and abrogating verbs, and we begin to narrate the adequate answer to the question What is the difference between abrogating verbs and abrogating letters and explaining it:

The abrogating verbs have a meaning in themselves, or they carry a time, they are a verb, as we have shown. As for the abrogating letters, they do not carry a time in themselves, when they enter the nominal sentence and do not change the time.

With regard to the rest of the differences, they will not appear unless the abrogating verbs and abrogating letters are explained in detail.

transcribed letters
The abrogating letters are In and her sisters, and what are the Hijazi and Neither the negative letters (the letters that do the work of the imperfect verb), but the most important of them are that and her sisters, and the details of that are as follows:

In and her brothers
And her siblings that enter the nominative sentence put the subject of the subject, and it is called her name, and she raises the predicate and is called her predicate (renewed for the predicate, other than what was in it before her).

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